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Seven COVID-19 Influenced Habits That Are Likely To Continue Even After The Pandemic



Habits That Are Likely To Continue Even After The Pandemic

In trying to arrest the widespread of the novel and notorious coronavirus (covid-19) alot of measures taken to curtail the spread of the disease have affected and altered our way of life all over the world;And those changes could play a significant role in changing or making us to form new habits.

Well, a habit is a redundant set of automatic unconscious thought, behavior and emotions acquired through repetition;it’s when you continue to do something over and over that your body tends to do it subconsciously.

According to Maxwell maltz in his book psycho-cybernetics habits can be formed in 21 days while another study by Pallippa Lally, a health psychologist at university college London said: On average, it takes more than 2 months before a new behavior becomes automatic — 66 days to be exact. And how long it takes a new habit to form can vary widely depending on the behavior, the person, and the circumstances.

Without further ado, here are seven(7) covid19 influenced habits that are likely to stay even after the coronavirus pandemic.

1. Working from home: Lockdown has made people aware that many jobs can be carried out from home without going to offices or places of work and people are beginning to get habituated to it, therefore even after the pandemic many people will prefer working from home.

2. Not going to churches and mosques: For over one month people were Banned from going to the mosques and churches. One month is enough to form a habit especially according to Maxwell maltz study, therefore many people will continue not to go to church or continue praying at home even after the pandemic is over. Therefore religious leaders needs to work hard to prevent this habit from forming.

3. Maintenance of Personal hygiene: People have recognized the importance of personal hygiene especially washing of hands and have formed that habit. therefore, even after the pandemic people are much likely to maintain personal hygiene for long time because habit has been formed.

4. Fear of corona related symptoms: Even after the coronavirus pandemic has gone people will still be very fearful of corona symptoms and any related symptoms will be thought as covid19 due to the fact that their subconscious mind has been programmed that way.

5. Cautious when sneezing and coughing in public: Unlike before the covid19 pandemic, now People will be very careful and cautious when sneezing and coughing in public without proper covering of noses and mouths even after the pandemic.

6. Use of face mask and coverings: Many people could form the habit of using face mask and covering even after the covid 19 pandemic because People are now very cautious of infectious diseases than ever. Therefore the use of facemasks in many situations are likely to Continue even after the pandemic.


7. Physical contact and social distance: Many people are likely to feel cautious when it comes to having physical contact like shaking hands and hugging especially with strangers, hence social distance practices will be maintained for longer period even after the pandemic due to fear of infectious diseases.

Written By shaaban S.

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1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Ebri Ubana

    May 6, 2020 at 21:42

    Well observed and articulated Mr Shaaban S. Hoping to read more articles of this kind from you

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