Health & Beauty
5 Amazing Health Benefits Of The African Star Apple (Agbalumo/Udara)
African Star Apple Udara-(Agbalumo)
The season of the African star apple is here and It is the time of the year when market women display the fruits in trays and wheelbarrow pushers go around with full buckets of the fruit.
The African star apple, locally known as udara in the eastern part of Nigeria and Agbalumo in the west.
Quick question: what is the African star apple called in your area?
Aside from being delicious, it is also low in calories.
Like other fruits, the African star apple is packed with amazing nutrients, it has some amazing health benefits. From being used as a remedy for a toothache to tackling sore throat, the long list of the benefits of African star apple is unending.
1. Helps in Weight Reduction
Helps in Weight Reduction
The African star apple contains about 67 calories, thus it is ideal for people who are trying to lose weight.
They get fewer calories from consuming the African star apple than they would from consuming other food items.
2. Rich in vitamin C
vitamin C
The African star is packed full with Vitamin C. Consuming this fruit works to protect the body against the following diseases:
- Eye diseases
- Skin wrinkling
- Prenatal health issues
- Cardiovascular disease
- Immune system deficiency
It also works to prevent gum diseases.
3. Serves As A Natural anti-oxidant
Natural anti-oxidant
Antioxidants work to prevent damages done to the system by free radicals. The African star apple works to neutralise the free radicals in the body.
4. Ideal for expecting mothers
Ideal for expecting mothers
Agbalumo has a taste that stops the urge of vomiting for pregnant women.
5. Used for Herbal medicine
Used for Herbal medicine
The sour-sweet taste of the African star apple works as a natural remedy for the following:
- Indigestion
- Constipation
- Sore throat
- Toothache
Tradomedical practitioners use the bark of the African star apple tree in the treatment of malaria and yellow fever. The leaves of the tree are also used to treat stomach ache, diarrhoea
when taken in excess quantity, the leaves become toxic to your body.
For Questions or contributions, feel free to drop your comments below.
February 17, 2021 at 23:15
As it prevents teeth ache, can one eat the african star apple last thing before going to bed?