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5 Ways To Grow A Full And Attractive Beard



How to grow beards

Beards look good. Not just any beard, but a thick charismatic well-groomed beard. They have a way of boosting your confidence and adding depth to your overall manly look.

Growing a beard has its many benefits, it enhances your personality to a whole different level, A full well-groomed beard is sure to make heads turn.

As good as it sounds growing a full healthy beard is going to demand a lot of hard work.

Let’s delve into the main issue; how to grow a full and attractive beard.

  1. Allow it grow like Nebuchadnezzar’s beard, don’t shave

You may be looking unkempt and would probably try to give it a little trim. If you’re serious about growing a full beard, my advice to you would be: ‘DON’T’. Let it grow. Growing a beard doesn’t just happen in a day. It takes process. You have to allow nature to take its course. You may be thinking; ‘how long do I wait?’.

Well, you would have to wait for 2-3 months.

You’d need a truckload of patience. Itching and inconvenience are going to come, but hey! No pain, no gain, right?

2. Healthy eating

Healthy food supplies your body with lots of nutrients. A balanced meal contains all essential nutrients required for the body to grow a high-quality beard. ‘What food do I eat?’ You may ask.

Outlined below are the food you should eat for faster beard growth.

  • Protein-rich food

Protein is a building block for worn-out tissues like muscles and hair follicles. Muscle and beard growth can be hampered by the lack of protein. Protein deficient people suffer from hair loss. Sources of protein include nuts, meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, etc.

  • Biotin rich food

Biotin, also known as vitamin H is essential for the growth of skin, hair, and nails. you can take a biotin supplement or consume food rich in biotin. Sources of biotin include sweet potatoes, nuts, eggs, fish, meat, etc.

Beautifully and sexy beards

  • Essential Vitamins

Vit A, Vit B complex (Vit B3, B7, B9), Vit C, and Vit E play an essential role in beard growth and development. A diet rich in these essential vitamins not only boots hair growth, but it also prevents hair loss.

3. Tune-up your exercise 

Exercise is known to increase blood circulation, enhance metabolism, and testosterone levels. All of these play a vital role in beard growth.

4. Sleep well

The ideal dosage of sleep is about 6-8 hours. This has been proven to be good for beard growth. Testosterone production occurs why you sleep.

5. Good beard grooming

You probably can’t go a day without grooming your body. The same care and attention you give to your body should also be given to the beard. Good grooming aids in the growth and appearance of the beard. Ways of grooming includes

  • Exfoliating
  • Massaging
  • Oiling
  • Moisturizing

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  1. Prince

    July 26, 2022 at 11:55

    My name is prince I live in echi this is my number 08123582928 pls I need help please 🙏

  2. Shedrach

    September 4, 2020 at 06:29

    You are correct

  3. Enoch Oghene

    September 3, 2020 at 08:29

    Hey Malik, thanks for going through the article and commenting.
    I’m going to outline a list of things you should try, that’s if you’re not doing them already.

    1. Take care of the skin under your beard.
    The condition of the skin under your beard seriously affects the beard growth. Give it some pampering. moisturize to avoid dry skin which could cause dandruff or itchy beard. One way to do that is to apply beard oil and moisturizer, they are cheap and easy to come by.

    2. Your diet plays a major role in the growth of your beard.
    A bad diet can make your beard patchy, dry, and brittle. Try consuming food rich in protein, biotin, and vitamins.

    3. Drink plenty of water
    This helps the circulation of the essential nutrients.

    4. Try massaging your face
    This boosts blood circulation and facilitates oxygen supply to your hair follicles. This will make your beard full and enhance healthier growth.

    I hope you find this useful.

  4. malik

    September 2, 2020 at 20:47

    my name is Malik,I live in number is 08133816661 ??
    how can I boost my beard to grow pls!

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