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Meet Kevin Wesley; 38-Year-Old American Ex-Pastor With Two Wives



Kevin Wesley with his two lovely wives

Kevin Wesley with his two lovely wives

As troublesome as the idea of polygamy sounds, here comes a millennial who has given that idea form and life.

Kevin, an ex-pastor, has two beautiful wives who from the photograph, seem to be loving the idea of living together as co-wives. Pictures they say, tell a thousand words, but pictures can be deceiving too. Look at how happy and content they seem to be with each other.

Kevin Wesley happy with his wive

Kevin Wesley happy with his wives

Women will be women If you know you know.

The Wesley family is one big family – one husband, two wives and six children. With lots of mouths to feed, both wives have full-time jobs, while Kevin works from home exploring entrepreneurial business ventures.

Kevin proudly flaunts photograph of his lovely family on his instagram page. A happy husband and a proud father he is. They all live in Atlanta, USA.



He was a pastor a while back but publicly denounced Christianity. In 2017 Kevin Wesley made a video which went viral where he said; “I don’t believe in the Bible or any character in the Bible.” He is now a disciple of an ancient African religion, which permits polygamy.

The brother is living his life on his terms. Do you think you would be able to successfully pull this off?

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  1. Murthada O LAWAL

    July 18, 2023 at 07:40

    Islam influenced Kelvin positively. Islam teaches one to soul search with sincerely of purpose before declaring your faith in Islam. Infact Allah in the Qu’ran says ‘know me before you worship me’ unlike Christianity that says ‘accept Jesus as your lord and savior and ALL YOUR SINS are forgiven and you are saved’. The more Kelvin search,the more he becomes a Muslim. His dressings are already showing islamic code of decency, likewise his polygamous family. Islam teaches us to marry up to four wives but we must treat them equally with respect and provide for their needs. Islam is totally against serial marriages, LGBTQIA which the western world are forcing on their citizens and other nations.

  2. Sistah Chee' (Shea)

    May 21, 2023 at 00:40

    That’s a f!%ki%g KING, Raspect. I love seeing the honesty, the honor and the GODLINESS in this union. 90% of the women out here have men who’s cheating on em, lying to their face and all sorts of evil. This union is honest and straight up. No women fighting each other, pulling out each other’s hair & blacking each other’s eyes up. I would definitely give being a sistah wife a try, but he has to be a KING, and lead with spiritual wisdom.

    Much Peace, Blessings and Sunshine from Bermuda Islands!!

  3. Cece

    April 13, 2023 at 13:46

    I think people should live they’re lives however they want. We are always so judgemental about what we see as so horrible, and how could you. But if there is no child abuse or abuse of any sort. Let people do them

  4. Anonymous

    September 6, 2022 at 19:54

    He’s a weirdo

  5. Anonymous

    June 18, 2022 at 12:04

    Couldn’t be me. That’s it and that’s all.

  6. Kesha

    April 16, 2022 at 23:46


  7. Ikechukwu Onyekachi

    September 10, 2021 at 19:20

    The manner in which Islam and in particular European Christianity has messed over Black people over the years, I personally have no problem with Kevin Wesley’s lifestyle, one way, or the other.

  8. Anonymous

    August 3, 2021 at 06:52

    Hell no

  9. Cruz

    December 13, 2020 at 19:03

    Ive been living with my 2 women for over 15 years…4 kids..And no shots…..Times are changing…The only people who ever give us shit..Are SJW.LGBT Liberals…?…Go figure…lol

  10. Anonymous

    November 8, 2020 at 13:49

    You know, whatever make you happy.

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